La Maestra

Sobre Elsanne Barrows

Elsanne es una bailarina y maestra de la Danza del Vientre estilo Tribal nacida en California en 1972. Norteamericana de origen, trajo su amor y pasión por el baile a San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México en el año 2001.

Con una B.A. (Licenciatura) en Pedagogía de Western Oregon University y una M. Ed. (Maestría en las Ciencias de la Pedagogía) de Northern Arizona University, desarrolla “Maestras del Tribal”, un curso de docencia para el estilo Tribal exitoso a nivel nacional que consta de más de 100 horas de clase, exámenes, y espectáculos, actualmente en su 21a generación con más de 170 egresados en varios paises. Su academia Libélula abre sus puertas en 2008 en San Miguel de Allende.

Sus maestras principales son Terri Walden de Salamat Tribal en Prescott, Arizona, Katarina Burda, de Aywah! y Bal Anat, San Francisco, CA, y Myra Krien de Mosaic Dance, Santa Fe, NM. Otros guías y maestros de influencia son Kathy Stahlman, Karim Nagi, y Amy Sigil.


  • Se ha certificado en la docencia del estilo Tribal ATS (American Tribal Style) con Myra Krien en su programa SEEDs (Self-Esteem, Empowerment, and Education through Dance) en Junio del 2008
  • Kajira Djoumahna de BlackSheepBellyDance en Mayo 2009
  • Kathy Stahlman (Fat Chance Belly Dance, Tribal Moon) en Abril del 2012

Ha tomado múltiples seminarios con

Carolena Nericchio (Fat Chance Belly Dance), Amy Sigil (Unmata), Donna Mejia, Paulette Rees-Denis (Gypsy Caravan), Rachel Brice, Mira Betz, Karim Nagi, y Mardi Love.

Seminarios intensivos incluyen

  • Tamalyn Dallal
  • Sera Solstice
  • Ariellah
  • Jill Parker

Otras influencias por medio de cursos y clases

Amel Tafsout, Sandi Ball, Troupe Hipnotica, Flo Bargar, Colette Todorov, Samira (Houston), Blanca (New York, NY), Amir Thaleb (Argentina), Zoe Jakes, Elizabeth Strong, Joana Gea, y Ricardo Campos (Al-Rachid, Durango, México) entre muchos otros.

Enfocándose completamente en el estilo Tribal ATS e ITS (Improvisación Grupal), organiza el festival Tribal en San Miguel de Allende ‘Belibeya’, cuya décima edición toma lugar en 2019.

Sus fuertes son

  • La creación de comunidad dentro del ámbito de la danza del vientre estilo Tribal
  • La docencia del estilo Tribal
  • La conexión entre la bailarina y su entorno al momento de bailar, la “capa nirvana”

Elsanne sabe que es parte de su leyenda en este mundo crear y participar en círculos de mujeres hacia el empoderamiento, que no estamos aquí para competir en esta vida, sino para compartir y desarrollarnos como humanos.

Elsanne cree que círculos de mujeres (y amigos) son claves y esenciales en el desarrollo personal, social, y profesional de la mujer, así como su sanación emocional y empoderamiento. La danza es una herramienta hacia estas metas y la expresión artística florece cuando nos sentimos apoyadas por la comunidad alrededor.

Libelula estudio de danza abre sus puertas en 2008.

Hay clases de danza del vientre como la base de actividades, con la maestra y directora del estudio Elsanne Barrows (link to my bio on my name). Hay clases de danza de hip hop fusion bellydance y talleres con maestros invitados de temas especializados. El ballet de la escuela, Libeluladies, es muy activo y participa en muchos eventos culturales y fiestas particulares.

Más que un estudio de danza, es un centro para el crecimiento de la mujer, aumentando el autoestima al enfrentar retos físicos y emocionales. Somos una comunidad de mujeres con una pasión en común: la danza.

About Elsanne Barrows

Elsanne Barrows lives in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, where she has her dance studio (Libelula estudio de danza) and has trained over 150 teachers around Mexico in her certification program titled “Maestras del Tribal”. Called “the mother of tribal style bellydance in Mexico”, she brought Tribal Style to Mexico in 2001. “Maestras del Tribal” certification consists of more than 100 hours of class, exams, and shows, and is currently in its 21st generation with over 170 graduates in several countries. Libelula estudio de danza opened its doors in 2008 in San Miguel de Allende. Combining an M.Ed. with a passion for community and personal growth through dance, her workshops are crafted to optimize learning, as well as have heaps of fun.

Elsanne has headlined festivals all around Mexico as well as in Bogota and Medellin, Colombia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and been invited guest instructor in Cues & Tattoos Tribal Bellydance Festival in Seattle, WA, and Austin Belly Dance Convention (Austin, TX).

Her first teacher is Terri Walden from Salamat Tribal (Prescott, AZ). Other principal guides and teachers are Katarina Burda, Myra Krien, Kathy Stahlman, and Karim Nagi.

She has taken multiple workshops with Carolena Nericchio and other members of FatChance BellyDance, the founders of Tribal Style Bellydance

With the eternal passion of the nerdly student, Elsanne continually learns new dance moves and “tricks of the trade” of teaching dance, calling her regular classes her Laboratory (of the science of teaching and learning).

Certifications with

  • Myra Krien in her SEEDs program (Self’Esteem, Empowerment, and Education through Dance) for young women through American Tribal Style Bellydance (r) in June 2008
  • Level I BlackSheepBellyDance with Kajira Djoumahna in May 2009
  • Kathy Stahlman (Fat Chance Belly Dance, Tribal Moon) in April 2012.

Has taken multiple seminars with

Carolena Nericchio (Fat Chance Belly Dance), Amy Sigil (Unmata), Donna Mejia, Paulette Rees-Denis (Gypsy Caravan), Rachel Brice, Mira Betz, Karim Nagi, and Mardi Love.

Intensive seminars include

  • Tamalyn Dallal
  • Sera Solstice
  • Ariellah
  • Jill Parker

Other influences through courses and classes

Amel Tafsout, Sandi Ball, Troupe Hipnotica, Flo Bargar, Colette Todorov, Samira (Houston), Blanca, Amir Thaleb, Zoe Jakes, Elizabeth Strong, Joana Gea, and Ricardo Campos among many others.

Focusing entirely on the Tribal style ATS and ITS (Group Improvisation), she organizes the Tribal festival in San Miguel de Allende ‘Belibeya’, whose tenth edition takes place in 2019.

Her strengths are

  • Community building within the arena of Tribal style belly dancing
  • Tribal Teaching
  • The connection between the dancer and her surroundings at the moment of dance, the “nirvana layer”

Elsanne knows that it is part of her story in this world to create and participate in circles of women for empowerment, that we are not here to compete in this life, but to share and grow as humans.

Elsanne believes that circles of women (and friends) are key and essential in the personal, social, and professional development of women, as well as their emotional healing and empowerment. Dance is a tool toward these goals and artistic expression flourishes when we feel supported by the surrounding community.

Libelula dance studio opens its doors in 2008.

Belly dance classes as the basis of activities, with the teacher and director Elsanne Barrows. There are hip hop fusion bellydance dance classes and workshops with guest teachers on specialized topics. The school performing group, Libeluladies, is very active and participates in many cultural events and private parties.

More than a dance studio, it is a center for the growth of women, increasing self-esteem by facing physical and emotional challenges. We are a community of women with one passion in common: dance.

A partial list of cities where Elsanne has given workshops and seminars

Barcelona, Spain
Valencia, Spain
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Salta, Argentina
Bogotá, Colombia
Medellín, Colombia
Corpus Christi, TX
Austin, TX
Albuquerque, NM
Roswell, NM
Santa Fe, NM

Tijuana, Mexico
Monterrey, Mexico
Guadalajara, Mexico
Queretaro, Mexico
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Oaxaca, Mexico
Coatzacoalcos, Mexico
Mérida, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico
San Francisco del Rincon, Mexico

Leon, Mexico
Aguascalientes, Mexico
Morelia, Mexico
Uruapan, Mexico
Veracruz, Mexico
Puebla, Mexico
Ensenada, Mexico
Chihuahua, Mexico
Cuautitlan Izcalli, Mexico
Ixtapa, Mexico
Pachuca, Mexico